The following institutions are part of the national Swe-Clarin consortium (click the links for longer descriptions):
- KTH: School of Computer Science and Communication offers expertise in the collection, processing, annotation and exploitation of large multimodal speech corpora.
- Linköping University: the Department of Computer and Information Science. At the Laboratory for Cognition, Interaction and Language Technology (CILTLab), research spans many fields of language technology, including dialogue management, word alignment, computational terminology and summary extraction.
- Lund University: Humanities Lab is a state-of-the art research and training facility which provides access to and training in the use of various types of technology to the Humanities, among them language archiving technology and training in corpus and data management.
- Riksarkivet är Sveriges största kulturarvsmyndighet med nationellt ansvar för arkivering av statens verksamhet. Myndigheten har mycket omfattande textmaterial i sina samlingar, och dessutom täta nätverk med andra arkiv, bibliotek och museer som förvaltar var sina delar av det gemensamma kulturarvet.
- The Swedish National Data Service (SND) is an infrastructure centre with the task to describe the resources and tools within Swe-Clarin and enable the dissimination of those descriptions to CLARIN as a whole.
- University of Gothenburg: Språkbanken (the Language Bank) is a research and development unit whose main focus is the development and refinement of language resources and language technology tools, and their application to research in language technology, in linguistics, and in several other disciplines.
- Språkrådet (the Language Council) is a language-planning organization and part of the Institute for Language and Folklore which is a public authority and a research institute. Språkrådet has expertise in language technology, corpus linguistics and language counseling, and procude dictionaries and term lists.
- Stockholm University: the Department of Linguistics, the sections for Computational Linguistics and Sign Language. Resources and tools include text and sign-language corpora, a part-of-speech tagger with models for Swedish and Icelandic, a system for aligning words in parallel corpora, and a sign language lexicon.
- Uppsala University: the Computational Linguistics Group can provide tools and expertise relating to machine translation and alignment, grammatical analysis of contemporary text, and normalization and grammatical analysis of historical text, all for a range of languages including Swedish.