– Swedish National Data Service
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The Swedish National Data Service is a significant part of the national research infrastructure for the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Medicine. It is hosted by the University of Gothenburg and co-funded by the Swedish Research Council, something which guarantees sustainability, both financially and in governance. It traces its heritage back to the early 1980s, which means decades of experience in dealing with research data.
Key among its activities is that SND:
- collects, creates, stores, and maintains research data and metadata, and disseminates data both nationally and internationally. It has considerable experience and expertise in the management of structured data and metadata;
- provides the main gateway to support, guidance, and data curation within its areas. SND is thus a principal resource for the management of research data in Sweden;
- has gained valuable international contacts and experience of international infrastructures through its membership in organizations such as CESSDA, DARIAH, ICPSR, and IFDO. SND is currently involved in several projects that aim to improve research infrastructure, nationally and internationally, such as DwB, DASISH (Coordinator), ARIADNE, Europeana Cloud and SERSCIDA;
- takes active part in the development of a common data-archive metadata-standard through its work in the DDI Alliance; and
- has access to high-quality persistent identifiers through its membership in DataCite, which is part of the DOI federation, and SND works to implement single sign-on systems adhering to the guidelines of the Kalmar2 Union.
Contact: Daniel Knezevic, daniel.knezevic (at) gu.se
Web: www.snd.gu.se/en