– Node in European infrastructure for language-based e-science
CLARIN (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure) is an ESFRI initiative which aims to create an e-research infrastructure that makes language resources (annotated audio and video recordings, text collections and corpora, lexical resources, ontologies, etc.) and tools based on language resources and language technology (speech recognizers, lemmatizers, parsers, summarizers, information extraction and text mining systems, etc.) available and readily usable to scholars of all disciplines, in particular the humanities and social sciences (HSS).
Swe-Clarins takes advantage of the fact that increasing amounts of text and speech material – including historical material – are available in digital form, thus allowing for the utilization of unprecedented volumes of text and speech data in HSS research. The expectation is that this LT-based e-HSS paradigm will lead to completely new kinds of research as well as to new ways of addressing old research questions.
In 2013, The Swedish Research Council approved a proposal for Swedish membership in CLARIN, including a Swedish national CLARIN organization. Through Swe-Clarin, Sweden joined the CLARIN ERIC during 2014.
Publications about Swe-Clarin