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Data are freely accessible
Access to data is restricted or accessible by request
- Read more about our accessibility levels.
Discover our collections!
A collection consists of several datasets that are in some way connected. They can belong to the same research series, research infrastructure, or come from the same research expedition.
We also provide access to the special collections “Swedish party programs and election manifestos” and the Swedish Gallup Institute's public opinion surveys from 1942 to 1956.
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In the national SND research data catalogue, you can search for research data from a variety of research disciplines.
Some data can be downloaded in the catalogue entry, whereas others are accessible by request.
There are also data that are only described in the catalogue and accessible through another portal/party.
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Accessibility levels for data
Access to data through SND
Access to data through an external actor
Data are freely accessible
Access to data is restricted or accessible by request
- Read more about our accessibility levels.
Discover our collections!
A collection consists of several datasets that are in some way connected. They can belong to the same research series, research infrastructure, or come from the same research expedition.
We also provide access to the special collections “Swedish party programs and election manifestos” and the Swedish Gallup Institute's public opinion surveys from 1942 to 1956.